Europe welcomes Trump in hilarious satire sketches

Europe welcomes Trump in hilarious satire sketches

President Donald Trump has pledged to put America first, but all the Dutch ask is that he will put the Netherlands second in a hilarious spoof message by news satire show Zongag met Lubach that has racked up millions of hits.

The whole world watched Donald Trump as he gave his inauguration speech when he became the 45th president of the United States. Now what the whole world is watching is the response from a Dutch TV presenter who introduced his nation to the leader of the free world in a way that will probably appeal to him the most.

Host Arjen Lubach opens the segment by telling his audience that it's better for the two nations to find a way to get along. Presented as The Netherlands welcome Trump in his own words, the voiceover uses a Trump-style accent poking fun at his famous lines, poking at his policies, controversies and other countries.

The whole world was watching the inauguration, Dutch comedian Arjen Lubach says introducing the clip.

He had a clear message to the rest of the world: ‘From this day forward. It's going to be only America first.'

And we realize it's better for us to get along (so) we decided to introduce our tiny country to him in a way that will probably appeal to him the most.

The video appears as a fake tourism advert from the Government of the Netherlands introducing Holland to the American president. The voiceover calls the tiny country a really, really fantastic place.

The spoof is sparks the first chuckles by claiming that they defeated the Spanish - who are total losers - and they're all dead now.

We speak Dutch, the voiceover explains. It's the best language in Europe. We've got the best words. All the other languages failed. Danish... total disaster. German is not even a real language.

They are the best ponies, they are. You can ride them. You can date them. You can grab ‘em by the pony, it's fantastic, alluding to Trump's scandalous off-the-record talks about women.

In reference to the wall Trump wants to build between the USA and Mexico, the video mentions Afsluitdijk, it's a great, great wall that we built to protect us from all the water from Mexico. We built an entire ocean... Nobody builds oceans better than we do... And we made the Mexicans pay for it. It's true.

One of the best parts of the video is when it describes Madurodam as the greatest miniature town in the world. It's tiny but it's great. Then it pokes fun at the size of the crowd at Trump's inauguration by stating that the squares are so small you don't need many people to fill them, and then cuts to a scene from Ceremony Square during Trump's swearing-in ceremony.

Since Trump has been criticized for being a racist and for his mockery of handicapped people, the video first mentions a racist tradition: In December, we've got the most scandalous tradition of Black Pete. It's the most offensive, the most racist thing you've ever seen. You'll love it. It's great. And then a disabled person: We also have a disabled politician for you to make fun of.

One of the funniest parts of the video is it pokes fun at Trump's unwillingness to show his tax return. We've got the best tax evasion system God ever created... You should tell your sons to put all your... sorry... their business here. You'll pay no taxes at all.

It concludes: We totally understand it's going to be America first, but can we just say: The Netherlands second?